There are numerous times when they will take on as many projects as they can handle, regardless of the circumstances. The problem with this could be something to burn them out. Individuals who are in recovery must learn to be willing to pace themselves.
Often, residents cannot be placed directly into sober living situations and they end up Review Review Hope House living on the street or in shelters, creating enormous pressure on their fragile sobriety. In 2018, I experienced one of the darkest days of my life when I lost my 15-year-old daughter to the tragedy of suicide. I could have easily given into my demons of alcohol instead of staving off all the urges and cravings. I had to make sure I reached out to someone who would hold me accountable and not leave me to my methods, which proved vital in my journey. Individuals in recovery must remember what it was like when they were at the worst point of their addiction.
- Some of your old friends will undoubtedly be the people you used to hang out drinking and partying with.
- It is also important to remember that choices can be changed.
- Your job now is to work on your recovery, day in and day out, without fail.
- There are numerous times when they will take on as many projects as they can handle, regardless of the circumstances.
One of the main things an individual in recovery needs to remember is to focus on what they have accomplished. When you find yourself struggling, remember what it was like before your recovery began. It could have been when your binge drinking nearly killed you. Individuals who are in recovery cannot allow themselves to become overwhelmed. By this, I mean not taking on too many tasks at one time.
Recovery Supports
At that time, it will be your turn to be fully supportive and encouraging of your spouse’s recovery efforts. All the changes that you’ve already gone through you will very likely witness first-hand in your spouse’s recovery journey. But it may also bring the two of you closer together. There is also the possibility that your relationship will fracture to the point of breaking. If your spouse continues to use and the temptation for you to join in becomes overwhelming, you may have no choice but to force a separation. Physically removing yourself from the toxic environment, even if it is only for a while, may be the only sane answer to you being able to maintain your sobriety.
The beginning, believe it or not, is the easiest part. At least at the start you have rock bottom as the solid foundation upon which to begin rebuilding your life. There is a mountain above you which you have to climb. It can be hard to plough on when you don’t know what destination awaits. No matter what is waiting for you, it will no doubt be better than rock bottom and the relapse that came before it.
Recalculating Your Life in Recovery
One of the emotions that well up when you think about walking away from the past is the powerful feeling of betrayal. The person may even call you out on your action, lashing out with anger and telling you that you betrayed your friendship or love. This retort will sting, undoubtedly, but that does not make it true. What you have done by going through treatment to overcome your addiction took a great deal of courage and determination.
But when continuing the association threatens to sabotage your sobriety, you really have only one choice and that is to put some distance between you. Your friend will not understand, more than likely. You may hear all kinds of lamentations, pleas for you to reconsider, that the carousing and drinking and using will take a backseat to your friendship. Worse yet, you have absolutely no control over what might happen should things go haywire and you are right there in the presence of temptation. This is not to say that you want to give into triggers, just that you may not be able to resist. It’s best to steer clear of any association from your past that brings to mind anything you did while in the grip of your addiction.
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Whether this involves compromise or complete cutting off from the past is a purely individual choice. It is also important to remember that choices can be changed. They are not forever, nor are they inviolate. With new information, new goals, new friends, hope and courage, all things are possible. Here, then, are some thoughts on leaving the past behind and moving forward to new beginnings.
Meet Rick DelValle, the founder of Review Hope House
Your newfound sobriety is a precious gift; yet you remain fragile and vulnerable in these early days of recovery. It will take more courage for you to walk away from the past, but it is something that you absolutely have to be willing to do. Think of this not as betrayal but as an affirmation of life – your life.